Olfactive Biosolutions Technology
Olfactive Biosolutions is the only human odor receptor technology startup that is powered by contemporary neuroscience and AI. It currently focuses on creating new-to-the-world Food Aroma-as-Medicine that is unimaginable previously. Dr. Alex Woo, CEO, W2O Food Innovation

The TruePath™ Receptor Platform is our end-to-end discovery system for understanding ligand interactions with chemosensory GPCRs.
Our Technology
Ectopic ORs regulate diverse metabolic processes like insulin and glucagon secretion, fatty acid metabolism, and thermogenesis. Deciphering their function and olfactory recognition code with specific ligands identifies ectopic ORs as potential targets for treating various diseases. (Learn more)
Olfactive Biosolutions has developed world-leading receptor technology and expertise in both olfactory and taste receptors in the nose and tongue, and ectopic receptors in the gut, lungs, skin, heart, blood and elsewhere.

Our Innovation
Our unique technology demonstrates how ectopic receptors often perform the same physiologic tasks as active pharmaceutical ingredients or APIs, and what ligands activate or inhibit them. These ligands can often be food molecules that humans have been ingesting for millenia.
Our goal is to show the entire mechanism of action or MOA for every formulation we make, so customers can know Protenx formulations are based on valid and reliable science.